While looking on archive.org
I found this, it was the 2002 act. We always updated it, as we didn’t want to be ‘that act that did the same thing’ – even today we are still looking for new numbers for private bookings.
I also took the liberty in taking a few of the animated gifs that I created back then too, as unfortunately we have not kept any hard copies of our different versions of the website, so I will be taking the liberty again, and take some of the photos/gifs so then everything is back in place, with the intention of giving some context on what Archive.org has scraped.
To give an indication on how bad the scrapes were back then from Archive.org, please click here to see whats missing.
For those that are still here, these are the gifs that I found that I originally created for 2002.
This was our 2002 45 minute show, looking at this now, we were really pushing ourselves then!
- Raining Men: – performed by Nikki & Co
We performed as a drag duo, so Co was playing male and female parts, often at gigs we were asked about the ‘third’ person!
- Stand – Up: – Nikki
This was 10 minutes of standup
- I Don’t Care If The Sun Don’t Shine: – Performed by Nikki
Straight after her jokes, and was mimed, and at present is still in our present day incarnation.
- Greased Lightening: – ‘Co’ as Danny Zucko
This number was played straight, with no comedy
- One That I Want: – Nikki as Sandy, Co as Danny
Co was lip syingcing this to Nikki, Nikki was lipsyncing this to a box of popcorn and a dildo!
- Rock DJ: – Co as Robbie Williams
For those that remember the Robbie Williams’ music video, Co did this and stripped naked, with only a board left, more stories to tell about this number!
- GinaG: – Nikki’s interpretation
Nikki going up to the men and ‘measuring them up’.
- Coke Ad: – performed by Co
Co getting high on coke and weed
- Bjork:- Nikki’s interpretation
Bjork ala Snort, Nikki getting high and energetic – another story to tell there!
- Judy Garland: – Nikki’s Interpretation
This is still in present day show, so not giving any more clues, unless you have seen the video!
- Alka Seltzer: – A very young Co!
Cannot remember who/what/how or why, but as it’s on the internet, I must have done it! – We don’t even have the soundtrack anymore!
- Thunderbirds: – Nikki as Lady Penelope
Same as Alka Seltzer, lost in the mists of time, and cannot remember!
- Big Spender: – Nikki As Shirley Bassey
Nikki’s interpretation as Shirley Bassey
- Time Warp: – SUNG by Co
Co dabbled in singing, I think, but cannot be too sure, this wasn’t done many times.
- Singular Sensation: – Performed by Nikki & Co
This started as male/female – but since is now a drag duo!
In true 2002 fashion – may I leave you with an advert!
Don’t try emailing us on that account, because we lost the password!