Nikki Nightingale & Co


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  • Our Backing Tracks.

    This story includes sound editing history and a weird coincidence…! Bruce helped us with the intros for Nikki Nightingale & Co, before I was around, and before the advent of MP3, the backing tracks were recorded at Bruce‘s work, which bizarrely was where I (Co) went for my work experience a few years earlier, where […]

  • Is the stage too high, or too low?

    There has been a couple of occasions where the stage has been, let us just say, we didn’t take into consideration the height. In the last post, I mentioned Bjork being ‘energetic’ – this did come with consequences. We performed in Kent, this was one of those gigs that didn’t go well. This gig had […]

  • Bjork and Self Raising Flour

    Let me assure you the stories we tell on the website are things that really happened, are the stories we tell to our friends AND didn’t happen that often! Remember we were on the road nearly every weekend for 7 years, and these are the ones that stick out through all those weekends. This one […]